Secrets to Propagating Success- Rootzone and Clonex Clone Solution (CCS)

Secrets to Propagating Success- Rootzone and Clonex Clone Solution (CCS)

Imagine you’re a plant parent, and you’ve got a favourite green plant. You love it so much you want to fill your home with its replicas. No, we’re not talking about a sci-fi movie, but plant propagation! It’s a nifty trick that lets you make copies of your beloved plant, without the fuss of dealing with seeds.

But here’s the catch - propagation isn’t as easy as snipping a stem and plopping it in a pot. Your little green cuttings need some TLC and the right nutrients to sprout roots and grow into strong, healthy plants. That’s where our superheroes, the rooting solutions, enter the scene!

Rooting solutions are like power-packed smoothies for your plant cuttings. They’re brimming with minerals, vitamins, hormones, and other goodies that kickstart and nurture root growth. Now, the market is teeming with these solutions, but the stars of our show today are Rootzone and Clonex Clone Solution.

Choosing between these two can feel like picking a favourite food. What makes them different? What do they have in common? And most importantly, which one will be the best sidekick for your propagation adventures? In this article, we’ll put Rootzone and Clonex Clone Solution under the microscope, compare and contrast them, and help you pick your plant propagation partner. Let’s dive in!


So, what’s the deal with Rootzone? Well, it’s an organic-based bio-stimulant that’s like a superfood for your plants. It’s packed with root growth hormones and boosts the plant’s ability to soak up nutrients. The secret sauce? A unique mix of marine and plant extracts, fulvic acid, and a dash of thiamine and potassium.

Now, how does Rootzone do its magic? It’s all about the roots! Rootzone delivers root growth hormones that kickstart the creation of new roots in your plant cuttings. Plus, it helps the cuttings drink up more water and minerals from the growing medium, leading to stronger and more robust plants.


Ready to give Rootzone a whirl? Here’s your step-by-step guide:

  1. Start by choosing healthy, mature stems from your mother plant. Snip them at a 45-degree angle, about 5 to 10 cm long. Strip off the lower leaves and any flowers or buds.
  2. Next, dip the cut end of each cutting into Clonex Rooting Hormone Gel. This separate product helps seal the cut and ward off infection. Depending on your plant type, you can also use Clonex Purple, Red, or Green Gels.
  3. Pop the cuttings into the pre-soaked growing medium, ensuring at least one node is below the surface. Remember to leave some space between the cuttings for air circulation.
  4. Now, it’s time to mix up your Rootzone solution. Start by diluting Rootzone at 2.5 ml per litre of water. As the cuttings get more established, gradually increase the strength, up to a maximum of 5 ml per litre for Rootzone.
  5. Water the cuttings with the diluted Rootzone solution, using a spray bottle or a watering can. Keep the growing medium moist but not waterlogged, and ensure there’s some drainage from the bottom of the container or tray. You can also use a flood and drain system or a sprinkler or mister system to water the cuttings.
  6. Place the cuttings in a warm, humid environment with indirect light and good ventilation. Avoid direct sunlight, which can dry out the cuttings and cause wilting. You can use a propagator or a dome to create a humid atmosphere, or mist the cuttings regularly with plain water.
  7. Check the cuttings daily for signs of root growth, which usually takes 7 to 14 days, depending on the plant species and the environmental conditions. You can gently tug on the cuttings to see if they resist, or lift them slightly to see if there are any roots emerging from the growing medium.
  8. Once the cuttings have sprouted a healthy root system, you can transplant them into larger pots or containers, using your preferred potting mix or hydroponic system. Keep watering them with Rootzone until they’re fully established and ready for normal feeding.

So, why should you use Rootzone? Here are the perks:

  • Speedier and more reliable root growth and development
  • Higher success rate and lower mortality rate of cuttings
  • Healthier, more vigorous plants with increased resistance to disease and stress
  • Less need for other fertilizers or additives

When it comes to application, Rootzone is typically used as a growing medium for indoor plants that are grown hydroponically. It can be used in a variety of EA hydroponic systems, including deep water culture, drip irrigation, and ebb and flow systems. The recommended dosage of Rootzone is 2-3 ml per little of water. That’s about the size of a bottle cap!

Clonex Solution

So, what’s the scoop on Clonex Clone Solution? It’s a complete and balanced, inorganic root fertilizer that’s like a personal trainer for your plant’s roots. It’s all about supporting root growth and delivering all 12 essential minerals plants crave, including calcium. It’s a special cocktail of minerals, vitamins, wetting agents, and root promoters.

Now, how does Clonex Clone Solution flex its muscles? It’s all about feeding the roots and the plant in your cuttings. It also helps the cuttings maintain a healthy pH and osmotic balance, preventing nutrient lockout and salt buildup like a pro.


Ready to roll with Clonex Clone Solution? Here’s your game plan:

  1. Start by picking healthy, mature stems from your mother plant. Snip them at a 45-degree angle, about 5 to 10 cm long. Strip off the lower leaves and any flowers or buds.
  2. Next, dip the cut end of each cutting into Clonex Rooting Hormone Gel. This separate product helps seal the cut and ward off infection. Depending on your plant type, you can also use Clonex Purple, Red, or Green Gels.
  3. Pop the cuttings into the pre-soaked growing medium, ensuring at least one node is below the surface. Remember to leave some space between the cuttings for air circulation.
  4. Now, it’s time to mix up your Clonex Clone Solution. Start by diluting it at 5 ml per litre of water. As the cuttings get more established, gradually increase the strength, up to a maximum of 10 ml per litre.
  5. Water the cuttings with the diluted Clonex Clone Solution, using a spray bottle or a watering can. Keep the growing medium moist but not waterlogged, and ensure there’s some drainage from the bottom of the container or tray. You can also use a flood and drain system or a sprinkler or mister system to water the cuttings.
  6. Place the cuttings in a warm, humid environment with indirect light and good ventilation. Avoid direct sunlight, which can dry out the cuttings and cause wilting. You can use a propagator or a dome to create a humid atmosphere, or mist the cuttings regularly with plain water.
  7. Check the cuttings daily for signs of root growth, which usually takes 7 to 14 days, depending on the plant species and the environmental conditions. You can gently tug on the cuttings to see if they resist, or lift them slightly to see if there are any roots emerging from the growing medium.
  8. Once the cuttings have sprouted a healthy root system, you can transplant them into larger pots or containers, using your preferred potting mix or hydroponic system. Keep watering them with Clonex Clone Solution until they’re fully established and ready for normal feeding.

So, why should you use Clonex Clone Solution? Here are the perks:

  • Speedier and more efficient uptake of water and minerals
  • Healthier, more vigorous plants with increased resistance to disease and stress
  • Complete and balanced nutrition for the roots and the plant

How to choose between Rootzone and Clonex Clone Solution?

So, you’re ready to propagate your indoor plants and you’re torn between Rootzone and Clonex Clone Solution? No worries, we’ve got you covered! Here are some factors to consider when choosing your plant propagation partner:

  • Plant Personality: Different plants have different nutrient needs. Clonex Clone Solution (CCS) is a complete nutrient solution that caters to a wide range of plants, while Rootzone is an additive that works best when teamed up with a nutrient solution.
  • Growth Stage: CCS is like a dedicated coach for your cuttings from the moment they sprout roots until they’re ready for planting, while Rootzone is a lifelong mentor, supporting your plants throughout their entire growth cycle.
  • User-Friendliness: Clonex Clone Solution is your all-in-one plant propagation solution, while Rootzone requires a bit of mixing and matching with a nutrient solution.
  • Environmental Impact: Both Rootzone and CCS are designed to be kind to the environment. Rootzone, made from natural ingredients, is biodegradable, while CCS, a synthetic product, is not, however  while synthetic, is also designed to be eco-friendly.

Ultimately, choosing between Rootzone and Clonex Clone Solution is like finding the perfect outfit for your indoor plants. You could try each one on your plants and see which one fits them the best. Or you could even mix and match! They’re like fashion-forward friends, compatible and complementary, and can enhance each other’s effects.

But remember, even in the world of plant fashion, there are rules! Always follow the style guide of the instructions on the label and avoid a fashion faux pas by overusing or mixing the products, as it might lead to a plant wardrobe malfunction or even damage your green buddies. So, get ready for a plant fashion show and let the plant propagation party begin! 

    We hope this guide was helpful and fun! Remember, your plants are living beings too, so treat them with love and care. Let us know if you have any other questions. 😊

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